Friday, April 13, 2012

Uterus Bracelet

While waiting for my clay face to be fired I have started on my uterus cuff. After making a paper cut out of the exact design I traced it onto copper and have just started to cut the outline. After it's cut out Stamper is going to teach me how to etch the designs and form the cuff around my arm.

So excited.
I am woman, hear me roar.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clay Face

I have began on a project based around a plaster mold of my face.
After molding my face in plaster in Design class, I pressed clay into the mold and got a release.

Currently I'm finishing up the fine details of the face and waiting for it to be fired. Next step is to look for a large hard cover book that doesn't mind being sacrificed for art.