Tuesday, September 27, 2011

response to a historical artwork

Di Vinci's Vitruvian Man

I've always loved this sketch from Di Vinci, it appeals to me mainly because it's concept it very bizzare... further reading into the sketch describes how Di Vinci uses parts of the human body as units of measurement and that we're perfectly proportional (which is a very rare thing to come across).

The sketch shows how symmetrical the human body is all while explaining this crazy idea of Vitruvius, an architect, used his body parts as the measuring tools in his work.

I simply love Di Vinci, his sketches of anatomy and inventions are by far the most interesting pieces of artwork I've ever come across.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Response to a historical artwork

Hokusai's Great Wave off Kanagawa

This wood block print has been my favorite piece of artwork for many years now, I just love everything about it.

I love how the lines are so crisp and help show the texture of the waves. Though this is a block print, the waves still appear flowing and water-like. Hokusai was able to create value by printing different prints in different colors to show the light to dark blue hues.
The colors in the piece are very cool, since it is a seascape after all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Career in art that I'm not interested in....


Spending my entire day sketching and thinking of ideas for cartoons, then finalizing and redoing every single little thing just doesn't appeal to me. Cartoons just don't appeal to me, nor does drawing.

A college education isn't required but the field is very challenging with a lot of stiff competition. Most cartoonists work freelance but lucky ones work for newspapers or magazines. You'll need a studio space, professional papers, pens, pencils, and etc. A well put together portfolio and experience in the field.

I like realism, not cartoons. Though the ability to draw and entertain is a fantastic skill, it's one I don't possess nor aspire for.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Personal Research Article

My concentration for the year was anatomy, basically.... but the darker side.
I don't focus on healthy living bodies, I focus more so on bones and teeth, broken bones more so and teeth that have long fallen out. I feel that beings tell a story long after they're gone, that our remains are a blank canvas which we built our lives on.
I've become fascinated with the brain and psychology, you can thank Mr. Simmons for that. So, I have began to dabble into the brain, thought processes, and mental disorders. Nothing "right minded" of course, that wouldn't be me. I like the weird and the disturbed, I feel that most people don't appreciate the uniqueness in things that aren't the "norm".
I think focusing my entire concentration upon these subjects has gained me a lot of knowledge about the body of course, but also about myself. I find myself pondering what happens after death, but we won't get into all that. I feel more comfortable with myself and that you don't have to be perfect to be beautiful.
My art has always been pretty nitty gritty and not understood by most. I've decided to push the shock power more, and to not hold back. The bones, teeth, and furs will be showing up again this year, along with found objects that are long past their prime.

Idea for Design

I think I'm going to take this image and put in my own words describing the make up of my own mind.
I'm to focused on what to put in the blanks than what to put in this blog.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

response to an artist ; Tiffany Parbs


sadly, I'm not able to post the photos directly to this blog without permission from the artist, but it's worth the time following the link.

I came across this crazy lady today... she focuses her work on the features and surface of the body. She says the main idea of her work is to "invite examination of articles allowed into intimate space, to encourage the view to reassess and reconsider the jewelry object in direct relation to the body and to promote expanded definitions of jewelry." Basically she want's to open new doors relating to what the concept of jewelry is.

Her artwork is very strange and groundbreaking, which I find very appealing. I'm fascinated by how she chooses to use imperfections of the skin and body to rebel against the concept of body enhancements like plastic surgery and cosmetics.