Thursday, September 15, 2011

Career in art that I'm not interested in....


Spending my entire day sketching and thinking of ideas for cartoons, then finalizing and redoing every single little thing just doesn't appeal to me. Cartoons just don't appeal to me, nor does drawing.

A college education isn't required but the field is very challenging with a lot of stiff competition. Most cartoonists work freelance but lucky ones work for newspapers or magazines. You'll need a studio space, professional papers, pens, pencils, and etc. A well put together portfolio and experience in the field.

I like realism, not cartoons. Though the ability to draw and entertain is a fantastic skill, it's one I don't possess nor aspire for.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought a cartoonist might be an exciting job, but after reading this blog I agree with you. It would be very tedious, and take a very long time. I don't have the patience for that.
